Discover Enhanced Style with Davidoff Gold

Davidoff Gold is the height of exquisite smoking for those who value great quality and delicacy. Davidoff Gold’s delicate, mild flavor profile—known for its extraordinarily smooth, well-balanced mix—will appeal to connoisseurs seeking a subdued but satisfying experience. From the first draw to the last, every cigarette epitomizes the exquisite workmanship and skill for which the Davidoff brand is known.

Davidoff Gold is created from well selected and blended tobacco that generates a pleasing, moderate smoke without overwhelming effect. Thanks to the special mix of quality tobacco, which has a moderate, subtle flavor that fits any scenario, every puff reflects elegance and taste. Davidoff Gold’s exquisite look and modern packaging will appeal especially to people who value grace and detail.

The best luxury for smokers searching for a sleek and sophisticated choice without compromising quality is Davidoff. Appreciate Davidoff’s superb taste and workmanship to set him apart from the others.

  • Tar – 7 mg
  • Nicotine – 0.6 mg